Color Card & Color Chart
The color card is a must-have for any embroiderer, costume designer, decorator, manufacturer, designer, teacher, artist, and crafter. Features actual thread swatches so you can see the true colors in the Kreinik line.
Kreinik Metallic Thread Color Card
See the fantastic colors and explore the creative options with panels of Kreinik thread colors—actual thread swatches for true color matching.
Metallic Color Card 2020/2024 Supplement
A supplement panel with the 2020 color additions plus the 2024 color additions (522 Dark Chocolate and 199 Pale Apricot). Includes a hole punched so you can insert it into the Kreinik Metallic Color Card (sold separately).
Kreinik Metallic Tassel Ring
This tassel ring shows you the difference between Kreinik Blending Filament, Cord, Cable, all Braid sizes, and all Ribbon sizes. It’s a helpful reference and teaching tool. No color choice; colors of tassels are chosen to match as closely as possible.
Metallic Thread Selection Guide
Which Kreinik metallic thread works best in Cross Stitch? Which Kreinik metallic thread can you use in a sewing machine? These selection questions and more answered below:
- Stitching on paper: Cord, Very Fine #4 Braid, Fine #8 Braid
- Ribbons: 1/16" Ribbon, 1/8" Ribbon
- See "Hand Embroidery" or "Machine Embroidery" lists (below)
- Carry-along: Blending Filament, Ombre, Reflective Yarn
- Jewelry: Tapestry #12 Braid, Medium #16 Braid, Canvas #24 Braid
- Bead crochet: Fine #8 Braid, Tapestry #12 Braid
- Blending Filament (use by itself or combined with other thread like cotton embroidery floss)
- Cord (backstitching, couching)
- Very Fine #4 (on 16- and 18-count Aida or over two threads on 28-, 32-count linens)
- Fine #8 (on 14-count Aida, or over two threads on 28-count)
- Tapestry #12 Braid (12-count fabrics)
- Medium #16 Braid (11-count fabrics)
- 1/16" Ribbon (10- to 11-count fabrics)
- 1/8" Ribbon (6- to 8-count fabrics)
- Cross stitching on unusual materials, like pegboard, screens, etc? Go up to one of our larger Braids, such as Medium #16 Braid, Canvas #24 Braid, or Heavy #32 Braid); the larger the Braid number, the heavier the thread.
- Stitch in and out of the fabric: Cord (for very fine details), Very Fine #4 Braid, Fine #8 Braid
- Couch for surface embellishment: Medium #16 Braid, Canvas #24 Braid, Heavy #32 Braid, 3/8" Trim, Facets, Petite Facets, Micro Ice Chenille, Wired Braid, 3/8" Trim
- Ribbon embroidery stitches: 1/16" Ribbon, 1/8" Ribbon, 1/4" Ribbon, Easter Grass
- Dimensional, shaped stitches: 3/8" Trim with wire, Wired Braid
- Carry-along: Blending Filament, Ombre
- Bead Knitting: Fine #8 Braid, Tapestry #12 Braid
- In the needle: Cord, Japan #1
- In the bobbin: Ombre, #4 and #8 Braids, Cord
- Couched: Facets, Petite Facets, Micro Ice Chenille, Ribbons, Braids (all sizes), Wired Braid, 3/8” Trim, Cable, Japan #5, 7
- Blending Filament (if blending with other fibers) (also can be used on 40-count silk gauze)
- Cord (backstitching, couching)
- Cable (3-ply twist for specialty stitches on any canvas)
- Very Fine #4 Braid (blending on any canvas)
- Fine #8 Braid (18-, 24-count)
- Tapestery #12 Braid (18-, 14-count)
- Medium #16 Braid (14-, 13-count)
- Canvas#24 Braid (13-, 12-count)
- Heavy #32 Braid (12-, 10-count)
- Ombre (18-count canvas, or specialty stitches)
- Couched: Petite Facets, Facets, Micro Ice Chenille, 3/8” Trim, Wired Braid, Japan Threads
- Ribbons: 1/16” (24-, 18-count canvas); 1/8” (14-, 13-count); 1/4” (12-, 10-count), Easter Grass (any canvas)
- Blending Filament (#1 needle)
- Very Fine #4 Braid (#1 and #3 needles)
- Fine #8 Braid (#3 needle)
- Medium #16 Braid (14 count)
- Canvas #24 Braid (10-count)
- Heavy #32 Braid (7 count)
- 1/8" Ribbon (7-10 count)
- All fibers
- Cord (backstitching, couching)
- Very Fine #4 Braid (over two threads on 28-, 32-, 36-count linens)
- Fine #8 Braid (over two threads on 28-count linens)
- Cable (long stitches and specialty stitches)
- 1/16" Ribbon (woven stitches)
- Very Fine #4 Braid
- Fine #8 Braid
- Tapestry #12 Braid
- 1/16" Ribbon
- Very Fine #4 Braid
- Fine #8 Braid
- 1/16" Ribbon
- 1/8" Ribbon
- Fine #8 Braid
- Tapestry #12 Braid
- Japan thread
- 1/16" Ribbon
- Warp: Ombre, Ribbons (basic colors), Braids (basic colors)
- Weft: Micro Ice Chenille, Ombre, Ribbons and Braids (any color)
Discontinued Kreinik metallic colors
We hate to discontinue any thread color, but sometimes it is required due to manufacturing problems (for example, if we can't get the raw material to transform it into your favorite Kreinik threads). You will find the list of discontinued colors below. If you have these in your stash, we recommend putting a mark on the label to indicate a discontinued color.
Important tips for stitchers who buy thread stashes on Ebay, at estate sales, and Goodwill/Salvation Army stores:
- The thread dye lot most likely has changed. Mark those threads so you know and won't get caught running out mid project.
- Some of those threads may be discontinued. Google search or contact the manufacturer to double check before you use them in a project (and end up needing more).
Discontinued Kreinik colors and substitution suggestions:
NM means no close match
- 003C Red Cord = 003 Red
- 005C Black Cord = 005 Black
- 007C Pink Cord = 007 Pink
- 008C Green Cord = 008 Green
- 011C Nickel Cord = 010HL Steel Grey
- 012C Purple Cord = 012 Purple
- 022L = 052HL Bronze
- 026L = 026 Amethyst
- 027L Orangeruptis = 027 Orange
- 029L = 029 Turquoise
- 031L Berry Red = 153V Vintage Burgundy
- 032C Pearl Cord = 032 Pearl
- 034 Confetti = NM
- 041 Confetti Pink = 044 Confetti Blue
- 041C Confetti Pink Cord = 044 Confetti Blue
- 042 Confetti Fuchsia = NM
- 042L Optic Opal = NM
- 043 Confetti Green = NM
- 051C Sapphire Cord = 051HL Sapphire Hi Lustre
- 056F Blueberry = NM
- 057F Grape = NM
- 070 Mardi Gras = 5011 Elfin Green
- 080 Garnet in Miro Ice Chenille = Red is a bolder version
- 080C Garnet Cord = 080HL Garnet Hi Lustre
- 086C Fern = 4201 Sugar Cane
- 087C Meadow Grass = 089 Aspen
- 088C Lily Pond Cord = 4201 Sugar Cane
- 104C Colonial Gold Cord = 102C Vatican Gold Cord
- 195 Sunburst = 095 Starburst
- 202C Indigo Cord = 018 Navy
- 225C Slate Cord = 4204 Storm Cloud
- 2094HL Heather Hi Lustre = NM
- 235 Red Ember = 307 Deep Coral
- 271 Plum = 3223 Ametrine
- 664 Magenta Blue = NM
- 3240 Opal = 095 Starburst
- 3508 Rhumba Green = 829 Mint Julep
- 3509 Cha Cha Verde = 008HL Green Hi Lustre
- 3540 Bolero Black = 005 Black
- 393 Silver Night = 622 Wedgewood Blue
- 4001 Green Tea = 4201 Sugar Cane
- 4002 Spiced Chai = 4202 Dusky Meadow
- 4003 Ginseng Gold = 4203 Cattail
- 4004 Earl Grey = 4204 Storm Cloud
- 4005 Sugar Cube = 102 Vatican Gold
- 4006 Rosehip = 007 Pink
- 4639 Light Aqua = 3214 Blue Zircon
- 5002 Pixiedust = NM
- 5004 Love Potion = 024L Fiery Fuchsia
- 5007 Brocade = 5006 Ore
- 5008 Leprechaun = 009 Emerald
- 5500 PInk Lemonade - 5700 Cotton Candy
- 5525 Lemon = 5725 Lollipop Lemon
- 5530 Rosemary Green = 4201 Sugar Cane
- 9132 Lemongrass = 5725 Lollipop Lemon
- 9300 Orchid = NM (closest pastel is slightly darker 093 Star Mauve)
- Easter Grass in 1/8" Ribbon size (Easter Grass still available in 1/16" and 1/32")
- Marine Blue in Micro Ice Chenille = NM
- Petite/Facets 012 = Petite/Facets 026
- Petite/Facets 029L = NM