Library Of Stitches
A selection of creative stitches and how they look when stitched with Kreinik threads.
Algerian Eyelet
Where to use it:
- In counted thread designs like samplers
- When you want a stitch replicating a squared star shape
- as a border stitch
- In old-time samplers, it was often used multiple times to form a block letter in an alphabet
- This stitch is usually worked over four threads on an evenweave fabric or linen, but it can also be enlarged and worked over six or even eight threads.
- If you pull slightly as you stitch, it creates an open hole in the center for a "lacy" look.
What to use:
- Kreinik thinner braids (one strand) like Very Fine #4 Braid, Fine #8 Braid
- Kreinik Silk Mori (one strand)
- Silk Bella
How to do it:
- Follow the diagram for needle and stitch placement, coming up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, down at 4, etc.
- Always go down in the center hole.
Where to use it:
- these short stitches are used for outlining in cross stitch, needlepoint, surface embroidery and counted thread designs
- or for adding detail to a design, such as a vein in a leaf, or flower stalk
- in a design where you want the look of a machine stitch (mimicking a sewing machine stitch)
- often used to create lettering
What to use:
- Kreinik Cord
- Kreinik Very Fine #4 Braid (on 14- or 12-count fabrics)
- Kreinik Silk Mori, one strand
- Kreinik Silk Bella
How to do it:
Follow the diagram for needle and stitch placement. Come up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, down at 4, etc. On a chart, backstitching is often represented by a line. The chart's "Color Key" will usually tell you which thread to use for backstitching.
Buttonhole Stitch Edging
Where to use:
- To edge any design. Popular in quilting, applique, ornament making and Hardanger.
What to use:
- Kreinik Braids
- Kreinik Silk Mori
- Kreinik Silk Serica
- Kreinik Silk Bella
How to stitch:
Following the diagram, come up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, etc.
Buttonhole Wheel Stitch
Where to use it:- flowers
- wheels
- circles
What to use:
- Kreinik Braid (#4 or #8 if the stitch is meant to be small)
- Kreinik 1/16" Ribbon
- Kreinik Silk Serica
- Kreinik Silk Mori
How to do it:
Follow the diagram for the order of stitches. This is basically the buttonhole stitch worked in a circle, sharing a common hole.
Chain Stitch
Chain StitchWhere to use it:
- Works well as a border or outline, also to simulate a necklace
- Detached chain can be used for flower petals, wings of bees and other insects, animal ears. Since this stitch involves a little tacking stitch between loops, it is easier to work on an openweave fabric like linen
What to use:
- Kreinik braid (one strand)
- Kreinik 1/16” Ribbon
- Silk Mori
- Silk Bella
How to do it:
Follow the diagrams showing the different variations. Where you insert your needle after originally emerging from the fabric determines the length of the ’chain.’ Use your thumb if necessary to hold down the parts of the stitch as your working.
Where to use it:
In cross stitch, needlepoint, surface embroidery and counted thread designs where you want to attach a real metal thread, or a larger item like a thick thread or cording, and in traditional Japanese embroidery.
What to couch:- Kreinik 1/8" Ribbon & 1/16" Ribbon
- Kreinik Heavy #32 Braid, Canvas #24 Braid & Medium #16 Braid
- Kreinik Japan #5 & Japan #7
- Kreinik Japan colors in #16 Braid, 1/16" Ribbon, and 1/8" Ribbon
- Kreinik Torsade
- Kreinik real metal threads
- Kreinik Facets & Petite Facets
Use these finer threads to couch the thicker ones:
- Kreinik Cord
- Kreinik Japan #1
- Kreinik Silk Bella
- Kreinik Silk Couching Thread
How to do it:
Follow the diagram for needle and stitch placement. Plunge the end of your thicker thread into the fabric at A, securing the ends on the back of your fabric with a few stitches, or temporarily taping the end. To couch, come up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, down at 4, etc. When finished, plunge the end into the fabric at B, and secure end on the back of your fabric with a few stitches.
Designer and teacher Anna-Marie Winter taught us that you can also couch a thicker thread by inserting your tacking stitches down the center of the larger thread, rather than side-to-side as in the traditional instructions above. This enables you do make curves and corners more easily.
WATCH how to couch in needlepoint:
Cross Stitch
Where to use it:
- to embellish fabric, linen, clothing, church garments, etc with an "x" shaped stitch
- in samplers
- for borders to build letters such as block letters
- to create landscapes and shapes
What to use:
- Kreinik Blending Filament - combine in the same needle with one or two strands of cotton floss for a random metallic effect
- Kreinik Very Fine #4 Braid - use as it comes, straight off the reel, to cross stitch on 16- or 18-count fabric
- Kreinik Fine #8 Braid - use it as it comes, straight off the reel, to cross stitch on 14-count fabric
- Kreinik Silk Mori - use two strands to cross stitch on 14-count fabric, use one strand to cross stitch on 18-count fabric. For detailed info on which braid to use on larger counts of fabric, visit the metallic thread selection guide in our Education section.
How to do it:
Follow the diagram for needle and stitch placement. Come up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, down at 4, etc. The top stitch should always cross in the same direction throughout your stitchery.
Some stitchers complete each "x" individually. Others prefer to work in rows, stitching one row of the first half-cross, then completing the top stitch on a return trip down the row. Often the size of the design, the amount of color you are using, etc determines which method to use. Once you get started, enjoy the rhythm of this fun stitch and watch the pictures come to life on your fabric.
If using two or more strands of thread, place each stitch so that the strands are laid parallel to each other. This gives you maximum light reflection and neatness.
Diamond Eyelet
This is a fun stitch you can use to create many effects in designs. It is best worked on a linen or evenweave fabric, and you can increase your tension slightly to open the center hole if desired.
Where to use it:
- in samplers for bands or decorative stitches
- to replicate flowers
- to replicate stars
- to make a diamond shape
- if used repeatedly, it creates a "lacy" look
What to use:
- Kreinik Silk Mori (one strand)
- Kreinik Silk Bella
- Kreinik Very Fine #4 Braid
- Kreinik Fine #8 Braid
How to do it:
Work in a clockwise direction: Come up at 1, down at 2 (or in the center), up at 3, down at 4 (in the center), etc following the diagram.
Feather Stitch or Feathered Chain
Feather, Feathered chainWhere to use it:
- bands and borders
- vines
- trees
- ferns and plants
What to use:
- Kreinik Braid
- Kreinik Silk Mori (one strand)
- Kreinik Silk Serica
How to do it:
Follow the diagrams for the Feather stitch and the similar Feathered Chain stitch. Work from top to bottom. Try to keep stitches evenly spaced. -
French Knot
This is a fun stitch you can use to create many effects in designs. It can be small or large. Using more than one strand of thread or a thick braid, for instance, makes the knot fuller.Where to use it:
- wherever you want a "dot"
- as flower centers with letters and numbers and punctuation marks
- use in bunches to replicate sheep, curly hair, a beard or moustache, etc.
- to replicate snowballs
- as accent on eyes
- filling stitch
- also popular in Ribbon Embroidery
What to use:
- Kreinik Braids - any size, depending on your ground fabric and design
- Kreinik Ombre
- Kreinik 1/16" ribbon
- Kreinik Silk Mori
- Kreinik Silk Serica
- Kreinik Silk Bella
How to do it:
Come up at 1, wrap the thread around your needle either once or twice depending on the design instructions, then plunge your needle back down into the fabric right beside the spot where you started (don't go back down into the same hole). Keep the thread snugly around your needle.
Half Cross Stitch
This stitch is literally half of the usual Cross Stitch. It can slant in either direction, depending on the way you stitch or the desired effect in a design.
Where to use it:
in samplers and geometric designs needlepoint backgrounds petit point and silk gauze stitchery when you're trying to create shadows or faint background images
What to use:
- Kreinik Silk Mori
- Kreinik Braids - any size, depending on the ground fabric you're using
- Kreinik Cord
- Kreinik Blending Filament
- Kreinik Ombre
How to do it:
Come up at 1, down at 2, up at 3, down at 4, etc following the diagram.
Leaf Stitch
Where to use it:
- trees, leaves, wreaths (use it singly or in clusters)
- borders
What to use:
- Kreinik Braid one strand)
- Kreinik Silk Mori (one or two strands)
- Kreinik Silk Serica
How to do it:
Follow the diagram. Start at the bottom and work up.