Selected vendor: A Stitching Shop - CO

Other creative ideas

Products: 112 of 20
  • Spring Frost Scarf Pattern

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Designed by April Garwood

    Finished Measurements: About 7” x 63”(18 cm x 160 cm)

    Materials needed:


    • Madelinetosh Tosh Merino Light (100% superwash merino wool; 420 yds (384 m); 3.5 oz (100 g); CYCA weight 2/Fine): Margeaux (MC), 1 skein; Wash (CC), 1 skein.
    • Kreinik Ombre (100% metallic thread; 330 yds (300 m); CYCA weight 1/Super Fine): #1300 Misty Violet

    Hook: G/6 (4.00 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge.

    Notions: Yarn needle

    Notes & Instructions:

    Gauge: 5 patt rep x 12 rows = about 4” in “Crown Stitch”.

    Crown Stitch

    • Ch 23
    • Row 1: 2 dc in 3rd ch from hook, (ch 2 does not count as a st), *ch 1, skip 3 chs**, 3 dc in next ch, repeat from * across, ending last repeat at **, 2 dc in last ch, turn – 16 dc.
    • Row 2: Ch 2, dc in first st, ch 1, sc in next st, *ch 1, skip ch sp, sc in next st**, ch 3, skip next st, sc in next st, repeat from * across, ending last repeat at **, ch 1, dc in last st, turn – 12 sts.
    • Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first st, skip next ch sp, *3 dc in next ch-1 sp**, ch 1, repeat from * across, ending last repat at **, skip last ch sp, sc in last st, turn – 15 dc.
    • Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first st, *sc in next st, ch 3, skip next st, sc in next st**, ch 1, skip ch sp, repeat from * across, ending last repeat at **, sc in last st, turn – 12 sc.
    • Row 5: Ch 2, 2 dc in first st, *ch 1**, 3 dc in next ch-1 sp, repeat from * across, ending last repeat at **, 2 dc in last st, turn – 16 dc.
    • Repeat Rows 2-5 for pattern.


    • Holding MC and Ombre thread together, ch 23
    • Work in “Crown Stitch” for 162 rows. Fasten off.


    • Rnd 1: With RS facing, join MC, without thread, in first dc of last row, ch 1, sc in each st and ch sp across, 3 sc in last st, turn to work along row ends, sc in first row end *2 sc in next row end, 1 sc in each of next 2 row ends, 3 sc in next row end, repeat from * to last row, 2 sc in last row end, turn to work along bottom of foundation ch, 3 sc in first ch, sc in each ch to last ch, 3 sc in last ch, turn to work along row ends, sc in first row end, *3 sc in next row end, 1 sc in each of next 2 rows ends, 2 sc in next row end, repeat from * to last row end, 2 sc in last row end, 2 sc in same st as first sc, do not turn – 616 sc. Fasten off.
    • Rnd 2: With CC, (working in back loop only, join with sl st, ch 1, sc) in first corner sc, sc blo in each sc around, working 3 sc blo in each corner sc – 624 sc blo. Fasten off.
    • Rnd 3: With MC (join with sl st, ch 1, sc, ch 4, sc) in first corner sc, *ch 4, skip 3 sts, sc in next st, repeat from * along each side of scarf to corner sc, ch 4, (sc, ch 4, sc) in each corner sc, at the end of last edge, join to first sc with sl st – 160 ch-4 sps.
    • Rnd 4: Sl st in first ch sp, ch 2, (2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in each ch sp around, join to first st with sl st – 640 dc. Fasten off.
    • Rnd 5: With CC (join with sl st, ch 1) in last dc of previous rnd, sc2tog over same and next dc, sc in next st, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch sp, sc in next st, *sc2tog over next 2 sts, sc in next st, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next ch sp, sc in next st, repeat from * around, join to first st with sl st – 800 sc. Fasten off.


    • Block. Weave in all ends.
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  • Beaded Turquoise Bracelet Pattern

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Jan Hatfield

    Aqua and turquoise shades offer a pop of cool color in summer fashion. Accessorize yourself in high style with this shimmery crocheted bracelet, accented with beads. It's inexpensive and quick to make, but the results are gorgeous. Great gift idea too!

    Materials needed:

    • Kreinik Blending Filament in 029 Turquoise
    • DMC #6 Thread in teal
    • Crochet hook size F
    • 5mm beads in colors to match or complement the teal
    • needle and thread
    • bracelet closure (from jewelry section of a craft store)


    1. With 2 strands of Kreinik Blending Filament and one strand of DMC, Chain 36, double crochet in 3rd chain from hook and across, chain 3, turn.

    2. Double crochet in each double crochet across, chain 3, turn.

    3. *Skip 1 double crochet, chain 3, repeat from * across, put 1 single crochet in each stitch on end of bracelet, repeat from * to * across, end the bracelet with single crochet in each end stitch, join, fasten off.

    4. Sew beads around the edging of both sides of the bracelet, spaced evenly, using your extra thread. Sew bracelet closure on ends.

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  • Crocheted Hearts

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    Kreinik's thicker metallic threads are perfect for creating sparkling crocheted applique pieces. We made simple hearts out of Valentine colors and attached them to a heart ornament. Quick, easy, colorful and fun decor for your home. Also makes a cute gift for your child's teacher or secret pal exchange.

    Materials needed:

    • One spool of Kreinik Canvas #24 Braid, 10m spool, in each color: 032 Pearl, 012 Purple, 003 Red, 100 White, 002 Gold
    • Size D crochet hook
    • purchased heart shape (like a wooden heart, or this burlap-fabric-covered heart we found at AC Moore craft store)
    • double-sided Kreinik Treasure Tape or clear sewing thread, or Kreinik Cord in colors to match the Braid (032C, 012C, 003C, 002C)


    1. Chain 4. Work 3 triple crochet into first chain, 3 double crochet, chain 1, 1 triple crochet, chain 1, 3 double crochet, 3 triple crochet. Chain 3, slip stitch into center and fasten off.
    2. Repeat with each color of Canvas #24 Braid.
    3. Attach to your heart ornament with the Treasure Tape or with tacking stitches and the sewing thread/Cord.
    4. If desired, attach a family jewel or button at the top, and tie a bow with leftover Braid.
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  • Silk Fan Brooch Pattern

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    Designed by Kathleen Power Johnson

    Silk Serica is a 3-ply, twisted filament silk with a magnificent, rich sheen. It is soft and luxurious to the touch, and it makes an excellent crochet thread for creating elegant accents and heirloom jewelry. 

    Use a non-greasy hand creme to keep the silk from snagging on rough spots.


    • 1 reel of Silk Serica in these colors: 4166 Dark Victorian Green, 4043 Light Teal, 7014 Medium Lead Grey
    •  Size 9 (1.25mm) steel crochet hook 
    • 3” x 4” piece of coordinating non-woven backing material (felt, synthetic suede, or leather) 
    • 1 pin back 
    • sewing thread & needle


    See "Abbreviations & Definitions" at the end of the page.

    • Using color 4166, ch 8, join in ring with sl st. Ch 1, work 12 sc over ring, join with sl st to ch 1.
    • Row 1: Ch2, hdc8. Turn.
    • Row 2: (RSR) Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc), ch 1, sk 1 st, V-st across row, ending dc in tc (4 Vsts). Turn.
    • Row 3: Join color 4043: Ch1, sc in each dc and in each ch space (17 sts). Turn.
    • Row 4: Ch3, work bobble in first st, ch2, sk 1 st, (bobble, ch2, sk 1) across row ending dc in tc. Turn.
    • Row 5: (Ch5, sc in each ch2 space) across, end ch5, sc in tc. Turn.
    • Row 6: Join color 7014. Ch 3, (sc in ch loop, ch5) across row (7 loops), ch3, dc in last loop. Turn.
    • Row 7: Ch5, sc in 1st loop, (ch5, sc in sc, ch5, sc in loop) across row, ending ch3, dc in last loop. Fasten off.
    • To Finish: Sew pin back onto wrong side just below ring. Cut backing material slightly smaller than the solid portion of the fan. Cut an opening in the middle slightly larger than pin finding. Position over pin back, trim if necessary and sew in place. Hint: To accentuate ruffle, pull downward on each ch5 loop of last row.

    Abbreviations & Definitions

    • ch chain
    • St, sts Stitch, stitches
    • sl st slip stitch
    • sc single crochet
    • hdc half double crochet
    • dc double crochet
    • tr triple crochet
    • tc turning chain
    • RSR right side row
    • V-st (dc, ch 1, dc, ch1)
    • Bobblework 4 dc into same st, retaining one loop from each, yo, pull through all loops) yo yarn over hook sk skip a stitch
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  • Silk Heart Brooch Pattern

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Designed by Kathleen Power Johnson

    Silk Serica is a 3-ply, twisted filament silk with a magnificent, rich sheen. It is soft and luxurious to the touch, and it makes an excellent crochet thread for creating elegant accents and heirloom jewelry. 

    Use a non-greasy hand creme to keep the silk from snagging on rough spots.


    • 1 reel of Silk Serica in these colors: 1092 Lightest Wood Violet, 1105 Medium Dark Mauve
    • Size 9 (1.25mm) steel crochet hook
    • Tapestry needle
    • 3 to 5 small pearls
    • dental floss threader or sewing thread and fine needle


    See "Abbreviations & Definitions" at the end of the page.

    • With color 1092, make slip knot leaving a long tail. Pull a loop through slip knot, ch1, 5sc into loop.
    • Rnd 1: With color 1092, ch3, dc11 covering sc loop (12 sts). Sl st to top of ch. Tighten opening by pulling tail.
    • Rnd 2: Ch2 (=1hdc), hdc in next st, hdc2, (hdc2, dc), tr, (dc, hdc2), hdc2 in each of next 2 sts, (hdc, dc), (dc,tr,dc), work 1 slip st for center of heart, (dc, tr, dc), (dc, hdc). Sl st to top of ch 2.
    • Rnd 3: Join color 1105. Ch 3 (= 1dc), dc into 1st and foll 6 sts. (Dc, tr, dc), dc in next 8 sts, dc2, (dc, tr, dc), (dc, hdc), sc in center, (hdc, dc), (dc, tr, dc), dc2, dc in next 2 sts, sl st to top of ch 3.
    • Rnd 4 (ruffle): Ch 4, sk 1, post stitch (sc around back of dc post), (ch 4, sk 1 st, post st) 11 times. At the center point: ch 4, post st around center bar 2 rnds below, cont (ch 4, sk 1 st, post st) ending ch 4, sl st to base of ch 3. Fasten off.
    • Rnd 5 (ruffle): Join color 1119, to top center st. Ch5, sc in sk st from previous rnd, (ch5, sk 1, sc) around heart, ending with sl st into 1st st. Fasten off.
    • To Finish: Run in ends. Draw center together by running tail of original slip knot around opening and fastening. Bring this thread through to center on RS, thread 3-5 pearls onto tail, insert needle back through center of heart and fasten off.
    • Hints: Post Stitch: Insert hook from front to back around stem of dc, pull up a loop and complete stitch as usual. To thread pearls: Using a nylon dental-floss threader, insert silk thread through loop, pull pearls onto threader stem, over loop and onto thread. Alternatively, use a fine sewing needle threaded with a short piece of sewing thread. Knot ends together to form loop. Insert silk thread through loop and pull pearls onto needle and over thread loop as just described.

    Abbreviations & Definitions

    • ch chain
    • St, sts Stitch, stitches
    • sl st slip stitch
    • sc single crochet
    • hdc half double crochet
    • dc double crochet
    • tr triple crochet
    • tc turning chain
    • RSR right side row
    • V-st (dc, ch 1, dc, ch1)
    • Bobblework 4 dc into same st, retaining one loop from each, yo, pull through all loops) yo yarn over hook sk skip a stitch
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  • Crochet Mermaid

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Design by Michele Wilcox • Skill Level:  Intermediate

    Materials Needed:

    • Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid: two spools of 032 pearl, two spools 008 green, one spool 091 star yellow, one spool 094 star blue
    • Stuffing
    • Small amounts of dark pink and blue embroidery floss for embroidery accents
    • Size C crochet hook


    Head and body: beg at top of head with 032 pearl braid ch 2

    Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook

    Rnd 2: inc in every sc (12)

    Rnd 3: inc in every 2nd sc (18)

    Rnds 4-8: sc in each sc around

    Rnd 9: dec 9 times (9)

    Rnd 10: sc in each sc around

    Rnd 11: 9 inc’s (18), stuff head

    Rnds 12-16: sc in each sc around, changing to 008 green braid at end of rnd 16

    Rnds 17-21: sc in each sc around

    Rnd 22: (4sc, dec) around (15) start stuffing body

    Rnd 23: (3sc, dec) around (12)

    Rnd 24: (2sc, dec) around (9)

    Rnds 25-36: sc in each sc around, complete stuffing, do not end


    Row 1: hold rnd 26 flat and sc across through both thicknesses – 5 sc, ch 1 turn

    Row 2: inc in every sc (10) ch 1, turn

    Row 3: inc in every sc (20) ch 3, turn

    Row 4: dc in first sc, 2 dc in next sc, (2hdc) in each of next 3 sc, sc in next 3 sc, sl st in next 2sc, sc in next 3sc, (2hdc) in each of next 3sc, (2hdc) in each of next 2 sc, end, leaving 10 inches of braid. Tack this end to side of body in order to hold tail up (see photo)

    Bikini top: with 094 star blue braid, ch 2 (make 2)

    Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook

    Rnd 2: sc in each sc around, join with sl st to first sc, end. Sew in place.

    Neck strap: with 094 star blue braid, ch 13, end. Sew around neck to each side of bikini. Embroider a straight stitch between bikini top.

    Back strap: with 094 star blue, ch 10, end. Sew around back of bikini.

    Waist band: with 008 green, ch 13, sc in 2nd and each rem ch, end. Sew around waist; it will be tight to pull waist smaller.

    Arm (make 2): with 032 pearl, ch 2

    Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook

    Rnds 2-10: sc in each sc around, end. Do not stuff.

    Sew rnd 10 flat and sew in place. Tack hands together.


    wrap 091 star yellow braid around a 6.5” piece of cardboard 20 times. Slip off cardboard, and sew to head in center, spreading to cover head using a backstitch or straight stitch. Cut the loops on each end. Then attach each side to side of head and tie tightly. Braid each side. Secure and trim ends. Embroider or tie a few small loops to center top front of head for bangs.

    Use floss to embroider a French Knot eye, and pink couched or straight stitch for a mouth. Rub crayon on face for rosy cheeks. Make a loop with 032 pearl braid on the top of the head for hanging as an ornament.

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  • Spider On Web Crocheted Pin

    Note: this item is not shipped


    Design by Maggie Petsch • Skill Level:  Intermediate • Size:  3-1/2" wide x 2=1/2" long

    Materials needed:

    • Crochet cotton size 20: Small amounts each black (A) and white (B) 
    • Kreinik Blending Filament (55 yd per spool): 1 spool each black #005 (BFA) and silver #001HL (BFB) 
    • Kreinik Medium (#16) braid (11 yd per spool): 1 spool tangerine #051F (C) 
    • Size 9 steel crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge 
    • 2 small orange seed beads 
    • 1-inch long pin back 
    • Sewing needle and orange sewing thread and white sewing thread 
    • Embroidery needle 
    • Tapestry needle 
    • Spray starch


    Gauge: Rnds 1 - 3 = 5/8 inch. Check gauge to save time.

    Pattern Note: Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.

    Pattern Stitch: Sl st dec: Draw up a lp in next ch, sk next ch, draw up a lp in next ch, yo, draw through all 3 lps on hook.



    Note: Do not join rnds unless otherwise stated. Mark first st of each rnd with safety pin or other small marker.

    Rnd 1 (RS): With 1 strand A and 1 strand BFA held together, ch 2, 7 sc in 2nd ch from hook. (7 sc)

    Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (14 sc)

    Rnd 3: [Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc, fasten off. (21 sc)


    Rnds 1-3: Rep Rnds 1-3 of Back; at end of Rnd 3, do not fasten off.

    With sewing needle and orange sewing thread, using photo for a guide, sew 2 beads to Front for eyes. With embroidery needle and C, embroider mouth beneath eyes.

    Join Back and Front

    Holding Front and Back with WS together, working through both thicknesses at once, sl st around, join in beg sl st, fasten off.



    Rnds 1-3: Rep Rnds 1-3 of Back for Head, at end of Rnd 3, do not join in beg sc, do not fasten off.

    Rnd 4: [2 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 2 sc] rep around. (28 sc)

    Rnd 5: [Sc in each of next 3 sc, 2 sc in next sc] rep around, join in beg sc, fasten off. (35 sc)


    Rnds 1-5: Rep Rnds 1-5 of Back; do not fasten off at end of Rnd 5.

    Join Back and Front

    Holding Back and Front with WS tog, working through both thicknesses at once, sl st in first st, *ch 8, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 2 chs, [sl st, ch 1, sl st] in next ch, sl st in each of next 3 chs (leg worked)*, [sl st in each of next 3 sc, ch 10, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 3 chs, {sl st, ch 1, sl st} in next ch, sl st in each of next 4 chs] twice (two legs worked), sl st in each of next 3 sc, rep from * to *, sl st in each of next 6 sc, **ch 8, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in next ch, sl st dec, sl st in each of next 2 chs (leg worked)**, [sl st in each of next 3 sc, ch 10, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 2 chs, sl st dec, sl st in each of next 3 chs] twice, sl st in each of next 3 sc, rep from ** to **, sl st in each of next 10 sc (opening for head worked), join in beg sl st, fasten off. 

    With tapestry needle and A, using photo as a guide, tack head to body at opening for head so that front half of head extends over edge of body. 


    Row 1: With 1 strand B and 1 strand BFB held together, ch 1 (center ch), ch 6 more (counts as first tr, ch-2), [{dtr, ch 2} twice, tr] in center ch, turn. (3 ch-2 sps)

    Row 2: Ch 9 (counts as first tr, ch-5), dtr in next dtr, ch 4, dtr in next dtr, ch 5, tr in 4th ch of turning ch-6, turn.

    Row 3: Ch 12 (counts as first tr, ch-8), dtr in next dtr, ch 7, dtr in next dtr, ch 8, tr in 4th ch of turning ch-9, turn.

    Row 4: Ch 15 (counts as first tr, ch-11), dtr in next dtr, ch 10, dtr in next dtr, ch 11, tr in 4th ch of turning ch-12, turn.

    Row 5: Ch 18 (counts as first tr, ch-14), dtr in next dtr, ch 13, dtr in next dtr, ch 14, tr in 4th ch of turning ch-15, do not turn.

    Rnd 6: Ch 4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 2 chs; working over ends of rows, sc in top of last tr worked, 4 sc over side of same st, *[5 sc over side of end st of next row] 4 times*, [sc, dc, sc] in rem lp of center ch, rep from * to *, 4 sc in turning ch-18 sp, **ch 4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each of next 2 chs**, 14 sc in same turning ch-18 sp, sc in next dtr, rep from ** to **, 13 sc in next sp, sc in next dtr, rep from ** to **, 14 sc in next sp, join in first sc, fasten off.

    Steam press web lightly. Using photo as a guide, place spider on web. With sewing needle and white thread, tack back of spider's body to web at several points. Tack each of spider's legs to web at any one point where leg touches web, taking care not to come through to RS. Sew pin back to back of spider. Spray spider and web with spray starch.

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  • Crocheted Butterfly Pins

     Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Jane Benton Butler 

    These three delightful butterfly designs use Kreinik’s Tapestry (#12) Braid™ in iridescent colors. This braid is a perfect size for crocheted accents and contemporary jewelry. Here it creates lighter-than-air butterflies that can be worn as pins or sewed onto a denim jacket, crocheted purse, summer hat, or anywhere that you can accessorize to match today’s garden-friendly trends in fashion. 

    Green Butterfly Pin


    • Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in these colors: 005 Black, 015HL Chartreuse Hi Lustre, 024 Fuschsia
    • Pin back (if desired)
    • Size B (2.0mm) crochet hook
    • Black sewing thread & needle



    • With Black, ch 10, turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, and each chain across (9sc); turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 1, sk next sc, sc in next 8 sc; turn.
    • Row 3: Repeat Row 2.
    • Row 4: Ch 1, sl st each st in first row to each st in Row 3. Do not cut yarn.


    • Right side: Attach Chartreuse at end of body, sc in first 2 sts, ch3, skip 1 st, 2sc, ch 5, skip 2sts, 2sc; turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 1, 10 dc in ch5 loop, skip 2 sts, (2tr, sc) in ch3 loop; 2 sl st around end of body for left wing.
    • Left side: Repeat pattern of right side, fasten off after sc in ch 3 loop.
    • Row 2: Fasten on Fuschia, ch 3, (hdc in next st, ch 1) 3 times, sc in next st, (ch 1, dc) 6 times, sc (ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook), [picot made] 3 times, sl st in top of last sc; sl st in next st. Fasten off.
    • Repeat Row 2 on other side. Sew pin back on bottom of body

    Purple Butterfly Pin


    • Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid™ in these colors: 005 Black, 012 Purple
    • Pin back (if desired)
    • Size B (2.0mm) crochet hook
    • Black sewing thread & needle



    • With Black, ch 10, turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, and each ch across (9sc); turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 1, sk next sc, sc in next 8 sc; turn.
    • Row 3: Repeat Row 2. Row 4: Ch 1, sl st each st in first row to each st in Row 3. Do not cut yarn.  


    • Row 1: Attach Purple at end of body, sc in ea st (10 sc), 3 sc around end of body, sc in ea st on other side; turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 1, sc, hdc, dc, 2tr, dc, hdc, sc, 3hdc, sc in end of body, 3hdc, sc, dc, 2tr, dc, hdc, sc; turn.
    • Row 3: Ch 1, skip first sc, sc in next 6 sts, sl st in sc, hdc, dc, 2 tr in next st, dc, hdc, sl st in end of body, hdc, dc, 2 tr in next st, dc, hdc, sl st in sc, sc in remaining sts. Fasten off.
    • Sew pin back on bottom of body.

    Blue/Green Butterfly Pin


    • Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in these colors: 032 Pearl, 094 Star Blue, 029 Turquoise
    • Pin back
    • Size B (2.0mm) crochet hook
    • Black sewing thread & needle



    • With Pearl, ch 10, turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, and each ch across (9sc); turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 1, sk next sc, sc in next 8 sc; turn.
    • Row 3: Ch 1, sc in next 8 sc; turn. Row 4: Ch 1, sl st each st in first row to each st in Row 3. Do not cut yarn.


    • Row 1: With Pearl Ch 1, sc, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc across. Sl st across 2 sts of body, turn and repeat pattern of first side, ending at front of body. Fasten off.
    • Row 2: Attach Turqouise at end of body, ch 1, sc in ea st of first row, 3 sts at end of body; turn, sc in each st. Fasten off.
    • Row 3: Attach Star Blue at small end, 5sc, ch4, sk 3 sts, 7sc, ch4, sk 3 sts, 7sc, 2sc in last st, sl st to first sc.
    • Row 4: Ch 1, sc, ch1 (ch1, dc) 6 times in ch4 loop, sk 3 sts, sc, ch1, skip 3sc, (ch1, dc) 6 times in ch4 loop, sc in 4th st. Fasten off.
    • Row 5: Attach Turquoise in ch 4 loop of left side, ch2, work [(hdc, ch1) in ch4 loop; (hdc, ch1) in next 5 ch-1 spcs]; 4 sl st across end, ch 1, [(hdc, ch1) in ch-1 loop] 5 times, (hdc, sl st) in next ch-1 loop. Turn.
    • Row 6: Ch 1, sc in next ch-1 loop, (ch 1, hdc) in next ch-1 loop, (ch 1, dc) twice in next ch-1 loop, (ch 1, tr, ch 1, dc) in next ch-1 loop, sc in next ch 1 loop, 5 sl st across end, sc in next ch 1 loop, (ch 1, dc, ch1, tr) in next ch-1 loop, (ch 1, dc) twice in next ch-1 loop, (ch 1, hdc) in next ch1 loop, (ch 1, sc) in next ch-1 loop, sl st in sc. Fasten off.
    • Sew pin back on bottom of body
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  • Crocheted Cross Bookmark

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Terry Day

    Materials needed:

    • 2 (10m) spools Kreinik 5545 Currant Purple in Medium #16 Braid
    • 1 (10 m) spool Kreinik 9194 Star Green in Medium #16 Braid
    • Size 1 steel crochet hook (or size needed to obtain gauge for apples)
    • Sewing needle with eye large enough to allow the Braid to pass through

    Finished size: 3 1/2” wide by 9”long


    Key: ch = chain, sc = single crochet, sk = skip, hdc = half double crochet, st = stitch, sl (or sl st) = slip stitch, tog = together, dc = double crochet, lp = loop


    With purple, ch 51, (loosely) hdc in 3rd ch from hook, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, hdc) in same ch, *sk next 2 ch, sc in next ch, sk next 2 ch, (hdc, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, hdc) in next ch, rep from * 6 times, sk next 2 ch, sc in next ch, sk next 2 ch, (hdc, 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc, hdc) in last ch, (top of cross). Working down opposite side of foundation ch, rep from *to * 7 times, sk next 2 ch, sc in next ch, sk last 2 ch, join with sl st in 3rd ch of starting ch, fasten off purple. Attach purple in ch-2 sp of 3rd shell from top of cross**(ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, hdc) in same ch-2 sp, ** ch 1, turn, sl st in each st, sl st in ch-2 sp, rep from ** to **, fasten off. Attach purple to ch-2 sp of corresponding shell on opposite side of cross, rep same process, fasten off.


    Attach Star Green with sl st in ch-2 sp of shell at bottom of cross, (ch 2, sl st in back lp of next st) all the way around cross having an extra-(ch 2, sl st) in any ch-2 sp of shells, fasten off.


    Cut 3 purple and 4 Star Green 6” lengths of thread for tassel. Holding all lengths of thread together, fold in half. With right side of cross facing, using crochet hook pull all loops of fold through st at very bottom of cross, pull ends through lp and pull tight. Trim ends evenly. Press cross with warm steam iron placing cloth between iron and piece making sure all strands of tassel are lying flat and straight. For French knot, take length of Star Green thread and with needle, pull thread up through center intersection of cross pulling thread up from back. Wrap thread 4 times around needle, put needle down through stitch just to side of where thread came up through (so that knot will not pull all the way through and will stay in place on front side of cross). Pull thread slowly through to back being careful not to distort French knot. Pull secure but don’t pull too tightly. Secure on back with regular knot and trim ends close to knot on back side.

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  • Mom Crochet Bookmark

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Terry Day

    Materials needed:

    • 1 (10m) spool Kreinik 5500 Pink Lemonade in Medium #16 Braid
    • 1 (10m) spool Kreinik 5505 Red Pepper in Medium #16 Braid
    • 1 (10m) spool Kreinik 5555 Oyster (ivory) in Medium #16 Braid
    • Size 1 and 5 steel crochet hooks (or size needed to obtain gauge for hearts)
    • Good quality craft glue
    • Sewing needle with eye large enough for crochet thread to pass through


    Key: ch = chain, sc = single crochet, sk = skip, st = stitch, sl (or sl st) = slip stitch, tog = together, lp = loop, trc = triple crochet, sp = space, bk lp = back loop

    NOTE: It is critical that the hearts measure 1 7/8” wide at widest point including edging to ensure that you have enough thread to complete project as you will use nearly all thread specified.


    RND 1: Ch 4, 4 trc in 4th ch from hook, ch 2, 4 trc in same ch, ch 4, sl st in same ch.

    RND 2: Ch 4, 3 trc in same ch, sc in next 4 trc, 3 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in next 4 trc, 3 trc in same ch as beg, ch 4, sl st in same ch as beg, pull center opening tight.

    RND 3: (Edging) (ch 2, sl st in next ch or bk lp of next st) all the way around heart, join, fasten off.

    NOTE: One pink heart will have pink edging, 2 pink hearts will have ivory edging, 2 red hearts will have red edging.


    M: (Make 2) With ivory, ch 25, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, fasten off.

    O: With ivory, ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, fasten off leaving tail for attaching ends together. Sew ends of strip together using whip stitch.


    With ivory, ch 20, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, (ch 3, sl st in same ch) 2 times-(picot made). Fasten off leaving tail for attaching to bookmark. With red repeat process as for ivory tassel except chain 15 instead of 20. Also make a tassel this size in red. Fasten off.


    Shape hearts and letters nicely and press placing cloth between iron and piece using warm setting. Sew hearts together as shown in photo on back side using a whip stitch and length of matching color crochet thread. Tie all 3 tassels together in knot using tails. Sew tails to bottom tip of heart of bookmark using sewing needle. Make sure thread does not show when weaving in ends. Glue letters to hearts as shown in photo making sure they are nicely centered on heart. Allow to dry thoroughly.

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  • Easter Egg Crocheted Bookmark

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Terry Day

    Materials needed:

    • 1-(10m) spool Kreink 3215 Peridot in Medium #16 Braid
    • 1-(10m) spool Kreinik 091 Star Yellow in Medium #16 braid
    • 1-(10m) spool Kreinik 3506 Blue Samba in Medium #16 Braid
    • Size 1 steel crochet hook (or size needed to obtain gauge for apples)
    • Sewing needle with eye large enough to allow the Braid to pass through

    Finished size: 2” wide by 10”long



    • ch = chain
    • sc = single crochet
    • sk = skip
    • hdc = half double crochet
    • st = stitch
    • sl (or sl st) = slip stitch
    • tog = together
    • dc = double crochet
    • lp = loop
    • trc = triple crochet

    NOTE: It is critical that eggs are 2” wide at widest point when finished as this will ensure that you have enough thread to complete project as you will use nearly all thread specified.

    EGGS: (make 1 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow)

    • Row 1: Ch 4, 7 trc in 4th ch from hook, ch 2, turn. (8 trc)
    • Row 2: Sk first trc, sc in next trc, (ch 2, sk next trc, sc in next trc) 2 times, ch 2, sc in top of ch-4 of previous row, ch 3, turn. (4 loops)
    • Row 3: Sc in first ch-2 sp (ch 3, sc in next ch-2 lp) 3 times, ch 3, sc in turning ch of previous row, ch 3, turn. (5 lps)
    • Row 4: Sc in first lp, (ch 3, sc in next lp) 4 times, ch 3, turn. (5 lps)
    • Row 5: Rep Row 4, ch 1, turn. (5 lps)
    • Row 6: (2 sc in next lp, sc in next sc) across, ending with-2 sc in last lp, ch 4, turn. (14 sc)
    • Row 7: (Trc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, trc in each of next 5 sc, (trc next 2 sts tog)) 2 times, ch 1, turn. (9 trc)
    • Row 8: (Sc next 3 sts tog) 3 times, ch 1, turn. (3 sc)
    • Row 9: Sc last 3 sts tog, fasten off. (1 sc)

    BOW: With blue, ch 30, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Fasten off

    TAILS: With blue, ch 25, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Fasten off.

    MIDDLE TAIL: With green, ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Fasten off.


    Press eggs and bow and tail pieces with warm steam iron placing cloth between iron and crochet pieces. With sewing needle and matching color crochet thread, attach eggs to each other using photo as guide for placement. With strand of blue crochet thread, fold bow piece in half and wrap thread around center of bow several times, secure to top of egg with needle and weave in ends so as not to show from back side. Fold blue tail piece in half, place green middle tail piece in center of fold, and secure both pieces to bottom of egg using sewing needle and weaving in ends so as not to show from back side. Press entire piece again if desired.

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  • Dragonfly Pin

    Crochet Dragonfly Pin

     Note: This item is not shipped

    Design by Jane Benton Butler • Skill level: beginner

    Materials needed:
    • one reel Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid 085 Peacock 
    • one reel Kreinik Fine (#8) Braid 070 Mardis Gras 
    • 15 inches of 22-gauge craft wire 
    • sew-on pin back 
    • two beads (for eyes) 
    • beading thread and needle 
    • Tapestry needle 
    • wire cutters


    Abbreviations: sc = single crochet, ch = chain, sl st = slip stitch 

    Using Tapestry (#12) Braid 085, Ch 16, sc in second ch from hook and in each remain- ing ch, placing 3 sc in last ch, then continue sc down other side of foundation ch. 

    Shape wire into 4 wings each 1.25-inches long, twist wire around intersection of wings and lay straight part along dragonfly body between rows of sc. If wire is too long, trim to be 1/8-inch shorter than body. Fold rows of sc together over wire and sc together, placing 3 sc at end to secure wire over wings. Cut yarn, leaving a tail of approximately 12 inches. 

    Using Fine (#8) Braid 070, work sc around the wire of each wing, sl st to body. Cut yarn, leaving a tail of at least 25 inches. Using tapestry needle, work two rows detached buttonhole stitch to fill in each wing. Sew on pin back with reserved 12-inch strand of body yarn. Sew on beads for eyes. Attach to jacket or shirt and wear proudly! 

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