Selected vendor: A Stitching Shop - CO


Products: 112 of 14
  • Mini Christmas Stocking Crocheted Pin Pattern

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Design by Maggie Petsch


    • Crochet cotton size 10: Small amounts each white (A) and red (B)
    • Kreinik Blending Filament (50m per spool): 1 spool each pearl #032 (BFA), red #003HL (BFB) and green #008 (BFC)
    • Size 7 steel crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge 
    • 3/4-inch long pin back
    • 6mm silver jingle bell
    • Miniature wrapped gift package
    • Miniature candy cane
    • Sewing needle and white sewing thread
    • Tapestry needle 
    • Craft Glue


    Click here to download the FREE instructions for this design or see instructions below. 

    Pattern Note: Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.

    Pattern Stitches: Lp st: Insert hook in indicated st, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, draw through 1 lp on hook] 4 times, yo, draw through rem 2 lps on hook.

    Joined hdc (jhdc): [Yo, insert hook in next st, yo, draw up a lp] twice, yo, draw through all 5 lps on hook.



    Rnd 1 (RS): Beg at center back, with 1 strand A and 1 strand BFA held together, ch 20, join to form a ring, sc in same st as joining, lp st in next ch, [sc in next ch, lp st in next ch] rep around, join in beg sc. (20 sts)

    Rnd 2: Ch 1, lp st in same st as joining, sc in next st, [lp st in next st, sc in next st] rep around, join in beg lp st. (20 sts)

    Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, lp st in next st, [sc in next st, lp st in next st] rep around, join in beg sc. (20 sts)

    Rnd 4: Rep Rnd 2, ending with join in front lp only of beg sc.

    Rnd 5: Working in front lps only this rnd, sl st in each st around, join in beg sl st, fasten off.


    Rnd 1: With RS facing, attach 1 strand B and 1 strand BFB held together with a sl st in first rem lp of Rnd 4 of cuff, ch 2 (counts as first hdc throughout); working in rem lps around, hdc in each st around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn. (20 hdc)

    Rnd 2: Ch 2, hdc in each rem st around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn. (20 hdc)

    Rnds 3-5: Rep Rnd 2; at end of Rnd 5, fasten off. (20 hdc)


    Row 1 (RS): With RS facing, attach 1 strand A and 1 strand BFC held together with a sl st in last st of last rnd of Body, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in next sc, sl st in next st, ch 1, turn. (2 sc)

    Row 2: Sc in sl st, sc in each of next 2 sc, sc in next hdc on body, sl st in next st on body, ch 1, turn. (4 sc)

    Row 3: Sc in sl st, sc in each of next 4 sc, sc in next hdc on body, sl st in next st on body, ch 1, turn. (6 sc)

    Row 4: Sc in sl st, sc in each of next 6 sc, sc in next hdc on body, sl st in next st on body, ch 1, turn. (8 sc)

    Row 5: Sc in sl st, sc in each of next 8 sc, sc in next hdc on body, sl st in next st on body, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)

    Row 6: Sc in sl st , sc in each of next 10 sc, sc in next hdc on body, sl st in next st on body, ch 1, turn. (12 sc)

    Row 7: Sc in sl st, sc in each of next 12 sc, sc in next hdc on body, fasten off, do not turn. (14 sc)


    Rnd 1: With RS facing, sk first 7 sts of last row, attach 1 strand B and 1 strand BFB held together with a sl st in next st, ch 2, hdc in each of next 6 sc, jhdc over side of last sc worked in and next hdc on body, hdc in each of next 4 sts on body, jhdc over next st on body and side of next sc on heel, hdc in each of next 7 sc on heel, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn. (20 hdc)

    Rnds 2 & 3: Ch 2, hdc in each rem hdc around, join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2, turn; at end of Rnd 3, fasten off, do not turn. (20 hdc)


    Rnd 1: With RS facing, attach 1 strand A and 1 strand BFC held together with a sl st in joining st of Rnd 3 of instep, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in each rem st around, join in beg sc. (20 sc)

    Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in each rem st around, join in beg sc. (20 sc)

    Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in each of next 2 sts, sc dec, [sc in each of next 3 sts, sc dec] rep around, join in beg sc. (16 sts)

    Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in each rem st around, join in beg sc. (16 sc)

    Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, sc in next st, sc dec, [sc in each of next 2 sts, sc dec] rep around, join in beg sc. (12 sts)

    Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in same st as  joining, sc dec, [sc in next st, sc dec] rep around, join in beg sc, fasten off, leaving length for finishing. (8 sts)

    Thread length left for finishing through tapestry, weave length through tops of sts of last rnd, pull tightly to close, fasten off.


    With RS facing, attach 1 strand A and 1 strand BFA held together with a sl st at center back on top of cuff, ch 13, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in each rem ch across, remove hook from lp, insert hook in same st as joining, pick up dropped lp, draw through lp on hook and through stocking, fasten off.


    With sewing needle and thread, sew jingle bell to tip of toe. Sew pin back to back of cuff. Apply small amount of craft glue to gift package and candy cane. Tuck into top of stocking. Let dry.

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  • Crocheted Christmas Ornaments

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Design by Jane Benton Butler. 


    • Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in 003 Red and 100 White 
    • Size B crochet hook 
    • Tapestry needle 
    • 5 inches of 28-gauge craft wire
    • Kreinik Fine (#8) Braid in 008 Green, 003 Red, 238 Christmas 
    • Number 3 steel crochet hook


    Click here to download the FREE instructions for this design. 

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  • Mini Crocheted Christmas Wreath Pattern

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Design by Maggie Petsch

    Size: 2 inches in diameter


    • Crochet cotton size 10: small amount green (A) 
    • Crochet cotton size 20: small amounts each red (B) and yellow (C) 
    • Kreinik Blending Filaments (50 m per spool): 1 spool each green #008 (BFA) and red 003HL (BFB) 
    • Size 7 steel crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge 
    • Size 9 steel crochet hook 
    • 12-in length 1/4-in wide Christmas ribbon 
    • 1-in long pin back 
    • Tapestry needle 
    • Embroidery needle 
    • Sewing needle and green sewing thread 
    • Spray starch


    Gauge: Rnds 1 & 2 of wreath = 1-3/8 inch in diameter with larger hook. Check gauge to save time.

    Pattern Note: Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated.

    Pattern Stitch: Lp st: Insert hook in next st, yo, draw up a lp, [yo, draw through 1 lp on hook] 4 times, yo, draw through rem 2 lps on hook, pushing lp to RS of work.


    Rnd 1 (RS): With larger hook and 1 strand A and 1 strand BFA held together, ch 24, join to form a ring, ch 1, lp st in same st as joining, sc in next st, [lp st in next st, sc in next st] rep around, join in beg lp st. (24 sts)

    Rnd 2: Ch 1; sc in same st as joining, *lp st in next st, [sc, lp st] in next st**, sc in next st, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. (32 sts)

    Rnd 3: Ch 1, lp st in same st as joining, *sc in next st, lp st in next st, [sc, lp st] in next st, sc in next st, lp st in next st, sc in next st, [lp st, sc] in next st**, lp st in next st, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg lp st. (40 sts)

    Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *lp st in next st, sc in next st, lp st in next st, [sc, lp st] in next st**, sc in next st, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. (48 sts)

    Rnd 5: Ch 1, lp st in same st as joining, *sc in next st, lp st in next st, sc in next st, lp st in next st, [sc, lp st] in next st, sc in next st, lp st in next st, sc in next st, lp st in next st, sc in next st, [lp st, sc] in next st**, lp st in next st, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg lp st, fasten off.

    POINSETTIA (make 4)

    With smaller hook and 1 strand B and 1 strand BFB held together, ch 1 (center ch), [ch 5, sl st in center ch] 6 times, fasten off, leaving length for finishing.


    Make bow with Christmas ribbon and tack at bottom of wreath on WS with sewing needle and green thread. With lengths left for finishing and tapestry needle, tack 4 poinsettias evenly spaced around rem of wreath. With embroidery needle and C, embroider french knot at center of each poinsettia. Sew pin back to top back of wreath with sewing needle and green sewing thread. Spray front of wreath with spray starch.

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  • Crocheted Penguin Ornament

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Design by Michele Wilcox


    • Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid 005HL Black Hi Lustre (2 spools) , 100 White (1), 033 Royal blue (1), 091 Star Yellow (1), and 094 Star Blue (1)
    • Stuffing
    • Crochet hook C 


    Begin at the top of the head with 005HL Black Braid. Chain 2.

    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnd 2: inc every sc (12)
    • Rnd 3: sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 4: inc in every 4th sc (15)
    • Rnds 5-7: sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 8: inc in every sc (30)
    • Rnds 9-14: sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 15: (3 sc, dec) around (24)
    • Rnd 16: (2 sc, dec) around (18), stuff.
    • Rnd 17: (sc, dec) around (12)
    • Rnd 18: dec around, end, draw rem sts tog

    Stomach use 100 White Braid. Ch 4.

    • Row 1: sc in 2nd and each rem ch (3). Ch 1, turn.
    • Rows 2 & 3: inc at beg and end of row (7). Ch 1, turn.
    • Rows 4-6: sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
    • Rows 7 & 8: dec beg and end of row (3). Ch 1, turn – end off after row 8. Sew in place.

    Wing (make 2) with 005HL Black Braid. Ch 2.

    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnd 2: inc in every sc (12)
    • Rnds 3 & 4: sc in each sc around, end, do not stuff. Sew rnd 4 flat, sew in place with rnd 4 facing toward back of penguin.

    Bow tie with 033 Royal Blue Braid. Ch 4.

    • Row 1: sc in 2nd and each rem ch (3). Ch 1, turn.
    • Rows 2-5: sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn. End after row 5. Wrap blue Braid tightly around center to shape tie. Sew in place.

    Embroider French Knot eyes with 094 Star Blue.

    Beak: use 091 Star Yellow. Ch 2.

    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnds 2 & 3: sc in each sc around, end. Sew in place.

    Use a length of yellow to make an ornament hanger, if you’d like!

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  • Crocheted Santa Claus Ornament

    Note: This item is not shipped

    Intermediate level design by Michele Wilcox


    • Kreinik Heavy (#32) Braid in 3202 Cat's Eye Gold (1 spool), 008HL Green Hi Lustre (1 spool), 421 Azalea (3.5 spools), 100 White (2 spools), 010HL Steel Grey (1 spool)  
    • Stuffing
    • Crochet hook D 


    • Begin at top of head with 3202 Cat’s Eye Gold. Ch 2.
    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnd 2: Inc in every sc (12)
    • Rnds 3-6: Sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 7: dec 6 times (6)
    • Rnd 8: Sc in each sc around, changing to red in last sc
    • Rnd 9: Inc in every sc (12). Stuff head.
    • Rnd 10: Inc in every 2nd sc (18)
    • Rnds 11-17: Sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 18: (sc, dec) around (12) changing to 010HL Steel Grey at end of rnd
    • Rnds 19-21: Sc in each sc around. Stuff.
    • Rnd 22: Inc every 2nd sc (18)
    • Rnds 23 & 24: Sc in each sc around, end. Finish stuffing.
    • Hold rnd 24 flat and sew across thru both thicknesses. From bottom center of boots work back st up center to top of boots to shape legs. End.

    Waist piece:

    • With 100 White ch 20, hdc in 2nd and each rem ch. End. Sew around waist.


    With 100 White ch 13. sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch, 2 sc in next ch, (sc next 2 chs, 2 sc in next ch) across (16 sc). End. Sew around neck.

    Arm (make 2):

    • With 008HL Green ch 2
    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnds 2 & 3: Sc in each sc around changing to red in last sc
    • Rnd 4: Inc in every 2nd sc (9)
    • Rnds 5-8: Sc in each sc around, stuff very lightly
    • Rnd 9: (sc, dec) around (6). End. Draw rem sts tog, sew arm in place.

    Cuff (make 2):

    • With 100 White ch 9, sc in 2nd and each rem ch. End. Sew around wrist.
    • Embroider black French knot eyes.


    Wrap white around your index finger 25 times. Slide off finger. With another piece of thread (8 inches), tie the loops together from inside to outside. Thread one end of this thread piece on needle and tightly sew under eyes to center of face. Make 2 more in same manner, wrapping yarn 15 times around finger and attach to each side of center beard. Separate loops to fill out beard.


    • With 421 Azalea red ch 2.
    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnd 2: Sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 3: Inc every 2nd sc (9)
    • Rnd 4: Sc in each sc around
    • Rnd 5: Inc every 3rd sc (12)
    • Rnd 6: Inc every 4th sc (15)
    • Rnd 7: Inc every 5th sc (18)
    • Rnd 8: Sc in each sc around, changing to white at end of round.
    • Rnd 9: Sc in each sc around, end. Sew in place. Use a strand of gold for hanging.


    • With 100 White ch 2.
    • Rnd 1: 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook
    • Rnds 2 & 3: Sc in each sc around, end. Gather rem sts together and sew in place.


    • Ch = chain
    • Sc = single crochet
    • Rem = remaining
    • Sts = stitches
    • Inc = increase
    • Dec = decrease
    • Tog = together
    • Hdc = Half double crochet
    • Rnd(s) = round or rounds
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  • Crocheted Snowflake

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Designed by Jane Benton Butler

    Use as an ornament, gift tag, or pin

    Materials needed for one snowflake:

    • one reel Fine (#8) Braid 032 Pearl 
    • 24 size 11 seed beads in clear (or similar)
    • pin back (if desired)
    • 2mm crochet hook


    • String on beads, ch 6, join to make a loop
    • Rnd 1: Ch 3, 17 dc in loop; join.
    • Rnd 2: Ch 3, 4 dc in same sp (ch 1, pull up a bead, skip 2 dc, 5 dc in next dc) 5 times. Ch 1, pull up a bead, join with 3rd ch of first ch 3.
    • Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, 3 dc in next dc, pulling up bead in second loop of second dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch 1, (dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in next dc, pulling up bead in second loop of second dc, dc in next 2 dc, ch 1) 5 times, join with 3rd ch of first ch 3.
    • Rnd 4: Sl st in next 2 dc, (5 dc in ch 1 between 5-dc group, sc in 3rd dc of next group, pulling up a bead) 6 times, join.
    • Rnd 5: Sl st in next 2 dc, [(sc, ch 5 in next dc) sc in next 5 dc] six times, join.
    • Rnd 6: (In ch 5 loop: sc, hdc, 2 dc, 2 tr, picot w/bead, tr, 2 dc, hdc, sc; sc in next 2 sc, picot with bead, sc in next 2 sc) 6 times, join.
    • Finishing: Work two parallel rows of sc on back side of snowflake to make a base for sewing on pin back. Sew on pin back.


    • sc = single crochet 
    • dc = double crochet 
    • tr = treble crochet 
    • sp = space
    • ch = chain
    • sl st = slip stitch 
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  • Crocheted Tapestry Angel

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Design by Jane Benton Butler • Advanced level

    Materials needed:
    • 1 spool Kreinik Fine (#8) Braid in color 032 (pearl)
    • 5 spools Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in color 032 (pearl)
    • 1 spool Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in color 002J (Japan Gold)
    • small amount of cotton or fiberfill
    • 4- to 6-inch white chenille stick
    • crochet hooks sizes 1 & B (2mm)
    • Tapestry needle
    • white sewing thread and needle



    • Using Fine (#8) Braid and hook size 1, ch 4, join with sl st to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch 3, 9dc in ring; (10dc) join.
    • Rnd 2: Ch 3h, *2dc in next st, dc in next st; repeat from * around (15dc); join.
    • Rnd 3-4: Ch 3, dc in each dc around; join. Stuff head with cotton.

    Torso (using Fine (#8) Braid)

    • Rnd 5: Ch 2, 2hdc in each st, join.
    • Rnd 6: Ch 2, *sl st in next st, hdc in next st; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 7: Ch 3, * sc in next st, * dc in next st; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 8: Ch 1, * draw up a loop in ea of next 2 sts, draw up a loop and pull thru all loops on hook, sc in next st; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 9: Ch 2, hdc in ea st around (20 hdc).
    • Rnd 10-11; Ch 1, * dc in next st, sc in next st; repeat from * around, join. Cut yarn, work in end.


    • Rnd 12-13: Attach Tapestry (#12) Braid in pearl (032) and using B hook, Ch 1, * 2dc in next st, sc in next st; repeat from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 14: Ch 1, sc in next st, skip next 2 sts, * 6dc in next st, skip 2 sts, sc in each of next 5 sts, skip next 2 sts; repeat from * around, join. 
    • Rnd 15: Ch 1, sc in next 3 dc, skip 2 dc, * ch 1, sk 2 sc, 6tr in next sc, sk 2 sc & 1 dc, sc in next 4 dc, skip next dc and 2 sc; repeat from * twice. 
    • Rnd 16: Sl st in next 5 tr, *ch4, 5 tr in next sc, ch 4, skip 4 tr, sc in next 3 tr; repeat from *, ending with sc in tr. 
    • Rnd 17: *ch3, (dc in next tr, ch 1) 4 times, dc in next st, ch 3, sc in 2nd sc of 3sc group; repeat from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 18: Join japan gold (002J), ch 1 *sc in next sc, 3sc in ch 3 sp, (sc in dc, ch 1) 5 times, 3 sc in ch 3 sp; repeat from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 19: Using pearl (032) color, ch 4, 6 tr in same sc, *skip next 3 sc, (sc in next sc, ch 1) in next 5 sc, skip next 3 sc, 7 tr in next sc; repeat from * 3 times, join in 4th ch of first ch 4. 
    • Rnd 20: Using gold (002J) color, ch 4, (dc, ch1) in next 5 dc, *ch3, sc in 5th sc, ch3, skip 4 sts (dc, ch1) in next 6 sc; repeat from *, end with ch3, sl st in 3rd ch of ch4. 
    • Rnd 21: Using pearl color, ch 3 (2dc in ch 1 sp, dc in next dc) 5 times, * ch 2, sc in sc, ch 2 (dc in dc, 2 dc in ch 1 sp) 6 times; repeat from *, ending with ch3, sl st in top of first ch3. 
    • Rnd 22: Ch1, *sc in each of next 15 sts, ch 2, sc in next sc, ch2; repeat from *, join in top of first st. 
    • Rnd 23: *(ch3, sk next sc) 3 times, (skip 2 sc, sc in next sc) 3 times, ch 3, sk next sc, sc in next sc; repeat from *; join. 
    • Rnd 24: *(sc in next ch 3 sp, ch 3) 4 times, sk one ch3 sp, 7 tr in next ch 3 sp; skip next ch3 sp; repeat from *; join. 
    • Rnd 25: *2tr in each tr (sc in next ch3 sp, ch 3) 3 times, sc in next ch 3 sp; repeat from *. Join at first tr. Fasten off. 
    • Rnd 26: Join japan gold (002J), *sc in tr (2sc in next ch3 sp, sc in sc) 3 times; repeat from *; join, fasten off.

    Arms (make two)

    • Rnd 1: Using pearl (032) color in Tapestry (#12) Braid, Ch 4, 5 dc in first ch, join w sl st.
    • Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in each dc and top of ch 3 (6dc), join.
    • Rnd 3 & 4: Repeat Rnd 2 twice. Cut thread and finish off.


    • Rnd 1: Using Tapestry (#12) Braid in pearl (032), ch 1, 6sc in ring; join.
    • Rnd 2: Ch 1, 2 sc in each sc; (12 sts) join.
    • Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in first sc (2sc in next sc, sc in next sc) 5 times, 2 sc in last st; (18sts) join.
    • Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in first sc (2 sc in next st, 1 sc in each of next 2 sts) 5 times, 2 sc in next st, sc in last st; join.
    • Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in next 2 sts, *hdc in next st, 3 dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 5 sts; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in next st, *hdc in next st, dc in next st, 2dc in next st, 3 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 3 sts; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in next st (hdc, dc) in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 4 times, dc in next st, (dc hdc) into next st, sc in next st; repeat from * around; join.
    • Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in next 3 sts, ch1, * hdc, ch 1, (dc, ch1) 14 times, hdc, ch 1, sc in next 5 sc; repeat from * twice; join. Rnd 9: Sl st in next 2 sts, *(sc


    • Rnd 1: Using japan gold (002J), ch 8; join to form a loop.
    • Rnd 2: Ch 2, (hdc, ch 2) in each st; join.
    • Rnd 3: * Ch 3, sk 1 st, sc in next st; repeat from * around; join. Fasten off.


    • Stuff torso. Pass chenille stick through torso at shoulders and cover with sleeves (cut chenille stitch to fit). Sew sleeves to robe; sew halo to head. Fold wings in half and sew to body with wide part at top.
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  • Crocheted Three Wise Men

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Design by Jane Benton Butler • Advanced level

    Materials needed:

    • one spool of Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in each color: 012 Purple, 021 Copper, 021C Copper Cord, 021HL Copper Hi Lustre, 026 Amethyst, 051HL Sapphire Hi Lustre, 093 Star Mauve, 1223 Passion Plum
    • three spools of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 850 Mallard, 622 Wedgewood Blue 
    • one spool of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 013 Beige , 014 Sky Blue, 221 Antique Gold ,
    • small amount of cotton or fiberfill
    • 6-inch white chenille stick
    • crochet hook size B
    • assorted charms or beads (optional)


    Wise Man With Striped Coat  (Finished size: 4 1/4 inches tall)

    • one 10m reel of Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in each color: 012 Purple, 021 Copper, 026 Amethyst, 051HL Sapphire Hi Lustre, 093 Star Mauve, 1223 Passion Plum
    • small amount of cotton or fiberfill
    • crochet hook size B
    • sewing thread and needle
    • 6-inch chenille stick
    • assorted charms or beads (optional)


    • Using color 021 ch 4, join with sl st to form ring. 
    • Rnd 1: 3ch, 9dc in ring, (10dc) join. 
    • Rnd 2: 3ch, *2dc in next st, dc in next st; repeat from * around (15dc), join. 
    • Rnd 3-4: Ch3, dc in each dc around, join. Stuff head with cotton. 
    • Rnd 5: Ch1, (skip 1 sc, sc in next sc) 7 times; join. 
    • Rnd 6-7: Ch2, 2hdc in each st; join. Fasten off. 


    • Rnd 8: Fasten on color 051, working in opposite direction from previous row, ch 1, * sc in next st, 2sc in next st; repeat from * around; join. (Do not cut threads between rows.) 
    • Rnd 9: Fasten on color 1223, ch 1, *sc in next st, ch1, sk next sc; repeat from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 10: Fasten on color 012, 3ch, 1 dc in next ch sp (counts as dc2tog), *1ch, dc2tog inserting hook into same sp as previous st for first leg and into next sp for 2nd leg; repeat from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 11: Fasten on color 026, ch1, sc in first st, *sc in next sp, ch1, sk next cluster; rep from * around; join. 
    • Rnd 12: Fasten on color 093, (ch1, dc in each ch sp) around; join. Repeat pattern of stripes for 2 3/4 inches, ending with color 093. 
    • Last row: Using color 051, Ch2, *hdc in first sp, 2hdc in next sp, repeat from * around. Fasten off.

    Sleeve (make 2)

    • Using color 012, ch8, sl st to make a circle.
    • Rnd 1: Ch3, *sc in first ch, dc in next; repeat around; join. Alternating colors 026, 093, and 1223, repeat stitch pattern of Rnd 1 for 1 3/4 inches.
    • Last Row: Using 051, hdc in each st, fasten off


    • Fold back 1/2-inch of each end of chenille stick, pass through robe at shoulders and cover with sleeves. 
    • Sew sleeves to robe; sew headpiece to head. 
    • If desired, make necklace from thread and a bead or use a charm as a ‘gift.’

    Wise Man with green coat (Finished size 4 1/4 inches)

    • three 10m spools of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 850 Mallard
    • one 10m spool of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 221 Antique Gold
    • one 10m spool of Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in color 021 Copper
    • small amount of cotton or fiberfill
    • crochet hooks size B & C
    • sewing thread and need
    • 6-inch chenille stick
    • assorted charms or beads (optional)


    • Using color 021 and B hook, ch 4, join with sl st to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch3, 9dc in ring, (10dc) join in top of first ch3.
    • Rnd 2: Ch3, *2dc in next st, dc in next st; repeat from * around (15dc), join.
    • Rnd 3: Ch2, pull up loop in next dc, yo and pull thru two loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook; join. Stuff head with cotton.
    • Rnd 4-5: Ch2, 2hdc in each st; join. Cut thread.


    • Using color 850 and C hook, ch 17, turn.
    • Row 1: Sk 2 ch, *hdc in next ch, 2hdc in next ch; repeat from * across, turn.
    • Row 2: Ch 2, hdc in each st across, turn. Repeat Row 2 for 3 inches, increasing 1 st on ea row; fasten of
    • Attach color 221, ch 1, sc around edge of robe, placing 3 sts in each corner; fasten off


    • Using color 850, ch 5. 
    • Row 1: Hdc in 2nd ch from hook, 2hdc in each ch across; turn. 
    • Rwo 2: Ch2, hdc in each st across, increasing 1 st every other row for 2 1/2-inches; fasten off.

    Sleeves (make 2)

    • Ch8; join to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: 8 hdc in ring, join.
    • Rnd 2: Ch2, hdc in ea st; join.
    • Repeat Row 2 for 1 1/2-inches; fasten off.
    • Band: Join color 221; ch1, sc in ea st; fasten off.

    Hand (make 2)

    • Using color 021, ch4, join to form ring.
    • Rnd 1-3: Ch2, 4hdc in ring, join. Fasten of


    • With color 221, ch15, sl st in first ch to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in first st, dc in next, 3tr in next, dc in next, sc in each remaining st to end; join, fasten off.


    • Using color 850, ch 8.
    • Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, dc in next, tr in next, dc in next, sc in next 2 sts, turn.
    • Row 2: Ch1, sc in next 2sts, dc in nest, tr in next, dc in next, sc in next 2 sts, turn.
    • Row 3-6: Ch3, dc in eash st, turn. Fasten off.


    • Sew insert under robe and sew robe to neck edge. 
    • Fold back 1/2-inch of each end of chenille stick, pass through robe at shoulders and cover with sleeves. 
    • Sew sleeves to robe; sew headpiece to head, and sew crown to headpiece. 
    • If desired, make necklace from thread and a bead or use charm as a ‘gift.’

    Wise Man with blue coat (finished size 4 1/4 inches)

    • three 10m spools of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 622 Wedgewood Bllu
    • one 10m spool of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 014 Sky Blue 
    • one 10m spool of Kreinik Medium (#16) Braid in color 013 Beige
    •  one 10m spool of Kreinik Tapestry (#12) Braid in color 021HL Copper Hi Lustre
    • small amount of cotton or fiberfill
    • crochet hooks size B & C
    • sewing thread and needle
    • 6-inch chenille stick
    • assorted charms or beads (optional)


    • Using color 021 and B hook, ch 4, join with sl st to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch3, 9dc in ring, (10dc) join in top of first ch3.
    • Rnd 2: Ch3, *2dc in next st, dc in next st; repeat from * around (15dc), join.
    • Rnd 3: Ch3, dc in each st; join.
    • Rnd 4: Ch2, *pull up loop in next dc, yo and pull thru two loops on hook, yo and pull through all loops on hook; repeat from * around; join. Stuff head with cotton.
    • Rnd 5-6: Ch2, 2hdc in each st; join. Cut thread.


    • Using color 622 and C hook, ch 17, turn.
    • Rnd 1: Sk 2 ch, *hdc in next ch, 2hdc in next ch; repeat from * across, turn.
    • Rnd 2: Ch2, hdc in each st across, turn.
    • Repeat Row 2 for 3 inches, increasing 1 st on each row; fasten off. Attach color 014, ch1, sc around robe, placing 3 sts in each corner; fasten off.

    Sleeves (make 2)

    • Using color 622, ch8; join to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch2, 7 hdc in ring, join.
    • Rnd 2: Ch2, hdc in ea st; join. Repeat Row 2 for 1 1/2 inches; fasten off.
    • Band: Join color 014; ch 1, sc in ea st; fasten off.


    • With color 013, ch 15, sl st in first ch to form ring.
    • Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in first ch , dc in next, 3tr in next, dc in next, sc in each remaining st to end; join, fasten off.


    • Using color 622, ch 8.
    • Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, dc in next, tr in next, dc in next, sc in next 2 sts, turn.
    • Row 2: Ch1, sc in next 2sts, dc in next, tr in next, dc in next, sc in next 2 sts, turn.
    • Row 3-6: Ch3, dc in each st, turn. Fasten off.


    • Fold back 1/2-inch of each end of chenille stick, pass through robe at shoulders and cover with sleeves.
    • Sew sleeves to robe; sew headpiece to head, and sew crown to headpiece. 
    • If desired, make necklace from thread and a bead or use charm as a ‘gift.


    • ch chain st, 
    • sts stitch, stitches
    • sl st slip stitch
    • sc single crochet
    • hdc half double crochet
    • dc double crochet
    • tr triple crochet
    • tc turning chain
    • yo yarn over hook
    • sk skip a stitch
    • sp space ea each
    • tog together
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  • Tatted Twinkle Little Star

    Note: this item is not shipped
    A tatting design by Deb Holladay
    Sweet simplicity: a tatted snowflake-star made with light-reflecting thread. This makes a beautiful ornament for a Christmas tree. Make several to give as gifts to nursing home patients, a sick child, or anyone who could use a simple, lovingly made inspiring star.

    Materials needed:

    • Kreinik Medium(#16) Braid in color 032 ( you can also use Fine (#8) Braid in 032 for a more delicate snowflake-star)
    • 20 pearl beads
    • two tatting shuttles (Deb used one areo shuttle and one tatsy shuttle)
    • size 10 or smaller crochet hook for joining if a hook is not on either shuttle
    • a needle small enough for threading the beads, but large enough to thread with the braid


    Thread on the braid the 20 pearl beads. Then wind the larger shuttle. This shuttle will do most of the work. You can either clip threads or unwind from the spool of thread enough to wind the other shuttle. 

    *With the shuttle with no beads, make an r of 3ds, 3p sep by 1 ds, 3ds, cl r and rw. Ch of 3 ds, 3 p sep by 3 ds, 3ds, does not rw. Pick up the shuttle with the beads on and make next ring as follows. On this next ring, slip up one bead for each r made. R of 3ds, J to last p made on the chain, 3ds, add the bead into the p, 3ds, p, 3ds, and cl r. R of 3ds, j to last r, 3ds, add the bead into the p, 3ds, p, 3ds and cl r. Repeat the last ring. This makes a cloverleaf. Switch shuttles to the one with no beads. Ch of 3ds, j to matching p of last r, 3ds, 2p sep by 3ds, 3ds rw. R of 3ds, j, 3ds, 2 p sep by 3ds, 3ds, cl and rw. Switch shuttles again. Ch of 3ds, slip a bead into the p, 3ds, Rw and switch shuttles again* Continue from " to " till you have 5 points to the star. Tie and trim the edges the way you are most comfortable.


    • R = ring 
    • Sep = separated 
    • Ch = chain 
    • Ds = double stitch 
    • Cl = close 
    • P = picot J = join 
    • RW = reverse work
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  • Recycled Cards in Crochet

    Note: this item is not shipped

    Skill Level: Beginner

    If you have old Christmas cards lying around-or find a bargain on Christmas cards at a thrift store- use them to decorate everything from Christmas trees to photo albums. Here we've embellished the edges of old cards with colorful metallic thread in a basic crochet stitch.

    Materials needed: 

    • Christmas cards
    • hole punch
    • Kreinik metallic thread in Tapestry #12 Braid, in your choice of colors
    • crochet hook to coordinate with your hole size and braid size


    1. Cut card to desired shape or size.

    2. Punch holes in outer edge of design area.

    3. Using your favorite crochet stitch, crochet a border using the Tapestry #12 Braid.

    4. When finished, glue onto a photo album, or use as an ornament.

    Tip: use a different Kreinik Braid size to achieve a different look. The Fine #8 Braid, for example, is a thin thread and will create a "lacy" look. Medium #16 Braid is thicker, and may be easier to use for beginners or with larger crochet hooks.

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  • Miniature Crocheted Wreath

    NOTE: this is not a product that is shipped.

    Decorate your dollhouse for the holidays — it's easy to make these fun wreaths for the doors and windows. They also make quick gifts: pins to wear or ornaments.

    Materials needed:
    • white plastic rings
    • Kreinik Micro Ice Chenille in 009 green or 015 chartreuse, or Kreinik Medium #16 Braid in 008 Green or 015 Chartreuse
    • crochet hook (choose a small hook size)
    • Kreinik 1/8" Ribbon in 002 Gold
    • #22 tapestry needle


    1. Single crochet around the ring using the green metallic thread. When you get to the last single crochet, connect to the starting single crochet with a slip stitch or chain stitch. Knot off.
    2. Thread your tapestry needle with a 6-inch piece of 1/8" Ribbon. Come up from the back of your wreath at a top point. Thread the other end of the ribbon in your needle and come up from the back (so now you have both thread ends of the 1/8" Ribbon in the front). Tie the ribbon into a bow. Add a jingle bell if desired.
    3. As desired attach a pinback, magnet, or double-sided Treasure Tape dot (if attaching to a dollhouse).
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  • Ornamental Crocheted Scarf

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    We found these inexpensive animal ornaments at Target, but they were calling out for some personality. The answer: crochet a mini metallic scarf. It just takes minutes, and adds so much fun to the ornament. 

    Materials needed:

    • purchased animal ornament
    • Kreinik Medium #16 Braid in desired colors (we used 015 Chartreuse for the sheep, and 002 Gold for the deer)
    • Crochet hook, small to medium sized depending on the size you want your scarf
    • Optional: lightweight yarn in red or white*


    * For the sheep, we combined a red/white cotton yarn with the 015 Chartreuse Medium Braid

    For the deer, we used the Medium Braid by itself


    Chain at least 40 with your Braid or yarn combination. You may need to make the length shorter or longer depending on the size of your ornament.

    Turn, skip 2, double crochet along the chain. Tie off. 

    If desired, use remaining thread to make a tassel at the ends. Tie around the neck of your animal ornament.

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