Selected vendor: Flymasters of Indianapolis
Flat Silk

Flat Silk

100% pure flat silk plus the best silk dubbing you'll ever use.

Please note: We are moving from West Virginia to California, and right now no threads are being made. Any order placed on this site may take six weeks to get to you.

Products: 11 of 1
  • Fly Tying Flat Silk

    Kreinik Silk Floss is a 100% pure dyed filament silk that lays flat when wrapped on the hook. The natural sheen makes silk an excellent material for colorful tags and overwraps on soft hackles, steelhead, and salmon flies. 

    ONE SIZE: Available on 10-meter spools. 

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    Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
    Reviews: 1
    • $3.75